12 Strategies to Writing the Perfect College Essay

The college application process is a journey that involves many steps, from choosing where to apply to filling out forms and writing the all-important essay. It's the essay that can truly make you stand out among a sea of applicants. This guide 12 strategies to writing a winning college essay. The college essay serves as a personal statement, a chance for you to shine through and reveal your unique perspectives and experiences to admissions officers. With the fierce competition, writing an exceptional essay has become more crucial than ever. You might wonder what makes a great college essay, how to get started, or what Harvard and other elite colleges look for in an essay. Don't worry, we've got you covered.

Understanding the College Application Process

Before diving into the specifics of the essay, it's vital to understand the college application process as a whole. As a high school student navigating college applications and admissions, you're expected to fulfill a variety of requirements. Transcripts, letters of recommendation, test scores, and interviews all play a part. However, your college essay is where you get to tell your own story. This is where you can stand out from other applicants and make a lasting impression.

Why the Essay Matters

You might question why so much weight is put on a single piece of writing. Well, your essay should serve as the heart of your application. College admissions officers read through countless applications, so your essay must stand out and make them want to learn more about you. A well-crafted essay can be the difference between a rejection and an acceptance letter, especially for prestigious schools like Harvard University.

Others to Read Your Essay

Before finalizing your essay, it’s essential to have others read it. Whether it’s teachers, family, or friends, multiple perspectives can provide invaluable feedback. Your reader should ideally be someone who knows you well and can provide insights on the style and substance of your essay. Keep in mind that writing is a recursive process; don't hesitate to make revisions based on the feedback you receive.

End Your Essay With

The conclusion is the cherry on top of your essay. A strong ending can leave a lasting impression and even be the deciding factor for admissions officers. Your essay should wrap up all the threads you’ve laid out in a meaningful way. Reflect on your journey, what you’ve learned, and how you’ve grown. Ending on a high note will make sure your essay stays in the minds of those who read it.

Learn More About Harvard Summer School

Harvard Summer School offers college programs for high school students interested in getting a taste of what Ivy League education entails. If you're looking to boost your application, participating in Harvard's college programs for high school students is an excellent strategy. You can explore Harvard Summer School courses that interest you, and even earn college credits that will stand out on your application.

Harvard Division of Continuing Education

For those looking to extend their educational experience, Harvard Division of Continuing Education offers a range of opportunities. From summer programs to online courses, they provide a comprehensive set of offerings that cater to a diverse set of learners. This is another avenue to explore if you're committed to making your application stand out.

High School Student College Applications and Admissions

It's not just the essay that counts; your entire application needs to be robust. This means acing your tests, participating in extracurricular activities, and keeping up with your GPA. While your essay allows you to be more personal and creative, other elements like test scores and recommendations provide a more objective view of your capabilities.

Harvard Extension School

Another gem in Harvard's treasure trove of educational opportunities is the Harvard Extension School. Offering part-time courses and certificates, this could be an interesting option if you want to specialize in a particular area that you're passionate about.

Harvard Summer School

If you're aiming to elevate your educational experience, Harvard Summer School is the place to be. With a wide array of courses and activities designed to stimulate intellectual growth, you'll come away enriched and even more prepared for college life.

Harvard Professional

Harvard Professional programs offer specialized training in various fields. If you're certain about your career path, these programs can offer deep dives into subjects that will give you a head start in your profession.

Dos and Don'ts

When writing the perfect college essay, there are some dos and don'ts you should consider. Do make sure to be authentic and show your true self. Don’t try to impress by using overly complex language. Do start your essay early to give yourself ample time for revisions. Don’t forget to read your essay aloud to catch any mistakes.


Q: How important is the college essay in the application process?
A: It’s extremely important. Your essay is your chance to showcase who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

Q: What should I write about?
A: Choose a topic that you are passionate about and can write sincerely about. Your essay should reflect your personality and your own experiences.

Final Thoughts

The college essay is a critical component of your application, providing a window into who you are. Take the time to plan, write, and revise to make it the best it can be. If you're aiming for schools like Harvard, consider participating in their summer school or other educational programs to further bolster your application. Remember, writing the perfect college essay is an achievable goal with the right strategies and mindset. Good luck!

Useful Resources: https://tonights.tv/news/best-tv-shows-to-write-an-essay-about-a-comprehensive-guide-to-the-small-screen/